The group name came about because suicide grief is a journey. The journey
through grief from suicide follows a slow and difficult path. We are here to help each other on the journey toward dealing
with that grief and toward healing. Along this journey, we will talk about many things: our sadness, our disappointments,
our frustrations, our anger, our memories, our hurt, and our hope. A journey through that will lead from tears to laughter, despair
to hope, doubt to faith, and hell to the beginning of peace and serenity. The journey through suicide grief is hard work but
it is the only way to truly heal. On this journey, you will learn to live one day at a time or even minute to minute
if necessary. You will learn that you have choices, but only you can make those choices. The best honor that you can give
the loved one you lost to suicide is to go on living and choose life.
The paradox of healing is that it is both holding on
and letting go. We hold onto memories, and we let them go; we hold onto feelings and we let them go. We hold onto an old
way of being, because the self we still are resides there, and we let go to a new way of being so that self can live on.
Group Purpose
The purpose of this group is to help each other in healing and because
we all understand how it feels losing someone we love to suicide. May we always reach out to others to heal and be healed
on our journey.
Our Mission
Our mission is to make sure that no one has to go through
this journey alone and that they know it does get easier as time goes on. You can be happy again and have a good life, it
is just a different life.